The Coachman Mirada has an interesting water system valve panel that pretty much allows you to do anything. The panel has four little pictographs that show the valve positions needed to perform several functions, but the manual doesn’t describe the connections and corresponding valve settings required to perform 5 common functions.
I put this list together to remind me how the system needs to be connected to do the different operations:

Using the pump – suck fluid out of container and route it to the water lines:
- Exterior City water connection plugged.
- Water panel set to “WINTERIZE”.
- suction hose connected to “SUCTION” fitting.
- Turn the pump on, it will suck fluid out of the container and route it to the water lines inside the Mirada.
Using the pump – suck fluid out of container and fill the Fresh Water tank.
- Exterior City water connection plugged.
- Water panel set to “FILL”.
- suction hose connected to “SUCTION” fitting.
- Turn the pump on, it will suck fluid out of the container and send it to the water tank.
Using the pump – Supplying water to the faucets from the tank.
- Exterior City water connection plugged.
- Water panel set to “USE”.
- “SUCTION” fitting is plugged.
- Turn the pump on, it will pull water out of the tank and send it to the faucets.
Using City Water – Fill the water tank:
- City water connected to City water connection.
- Water panel set to “FILL”.
- “SUCTION” connection is plugged.
- Water pump is OFF.
- Turn on the City water, monitor tank level, turn off city water.
Using City Water – Supply city water to faucets:
- City water connected to City water connection.
- Water panel set to “USE”.
- “SUCTION” connection is plugged.
- Water pump is OFF.
- Turn on the City water, Water will be available at the faucets.
NOTE – When using city water, I would recommend one of the regulator adapters that also has a pressure gauge on it. To high of pressure will cause leaks in the Mirada.
We just purchased our 2000 Mirada 300QB a year ago and love it. And, thanks to your informative site, we’ll make some changes to love it even more. Exactly how did you configure a hose to use to suck water out of a container to fill the water lines (e.g. For winterizing)? I have yet to find a suitable hose assembly.
The connector on the suction hose is similar to the one you’ll find in your home plumbing. Take a look at the Winterixing section
Got it. I see it now. Should have read that section first. Thanks for your help.